Construction Sector Health and Safety Advisors
The construction industry is subject to ever more health and safety legislation, which frequently changes. It’s understandable; there is no room to be complacent when it comes to maintaining standards of health and safety in such a potentially high-risk area of work. However, this can sometimes mean it is hard to keep up with changes and be sure you are complying with legislation correctly.
Most people are well aware that construction is an area of work with high-risk levels around accidents, and people are familiar with the risks around falling from ladders and scaffolding in particular. It is important to remember that construction also has high levels of risk around other health conditions- cancer and lung conditions (caused by exposure to asbestos, silica, and paint mixtures and other substances which are frequently present in construction), contact dermatitis from skin exposure to hazardous substances, musculo skeletal conditions caused by poor lifting and handling, and noise and vibration related conditions.
If your staff work on multiple sites and projects, as frequently happens in construction, it is even more crucial to ensure your health and safety systems work well, as there may be new risks with each change of location.
As important as it is to ensure that appropriate health surveillance and monitoring is in place, it is far better for your employees not to be exposed to risk factors in the first place. A Construction Health and Safety Advisor can help you to do this.
If your risk levels are not well managed, your company may suffer financially in terms of lost days of employment, delays to projects and high costs of insurance. Accidents and ill-health can also be very bad for the reputation of your business. Above all, you may cause your employees needless suffering.
With all this in mind, it is little wonder that specialist Construction Health and Safety Advisors are in demand. Amongst other things a Construction Health and Safety Advisor can help you to ensure accidents are prevented, that hazardous substances are controlled correctly, and that good lifting and handling practices are in place.
Business Management Systems Construction Health and Safety Advisors, Bromsgrove, Redditch, Worcestershire
At Business Management Systems, our Construction Health and Safety Advisors are familiar with all aspects of UK construction health and safety legislation, and can offer you the help you need to make sure you don’t leave yourself or your employees vulnerable.
They are trained by RoSPA and have a good grounding in all areas of health and safety. Our advisors are NEBOSH (National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health) qualified and are members of IOSH.
If you would like to find out how one of our advisors can help your business, please give us a call or email us.
Our Construction Health and Safety Advisors are located in Bromsgrove also servicing Redditch and Worcestershire. We will be happy to discuss how we can support you.
Please use our contact form, call us on 01527 916 201 or email us.